

Transaid transforms lives through safe, available, and sustainable transport.

Founded by Save the Children, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), and our Patron, HRH The Princess Royal, we share 25 years’ worth of expertise with communities, partners, and governments to solve transport challenges throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

Please find a concise report of our activities and achievements, followed by a full set of audited accounts here

Transaid's priority is the people on the ground

Every driver should be able to leave for a day’s work without the fear they may not come home because of a lack of training, or dangerous vehicles and roads. Nothing should prevent families from accessing vital healthcare. Every person should have the opportunity to build the skills they need to transform their future.

Transaid's power comes from strong partnerships

We are a unique, passionate organisation that works with partners and governments to solve transport challenges in economically developing countries. We couldn’t make a tangible, sustainable difference without our partnerships internationally and our corporate supporters in the UK, who are committed to improving global road safety.

Sharing expertise is our passion

We are trusted by international organisations, governments, and communities, to share our knowledge, and to bring together expertise from other organisations. We have a unique technical reputation in the transport and development niche. We believe that knowledge should be open and accessible and have removed the Intellectual Property from our information to make sure it can be shared for the widest impact.

RHA is proud to be a long-standing supporter of Transaid.

See past events and activities RHA has hosted and volunteered for in support of Transaid.