CPC Home Study
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CPC for Transport Managers (Road Haulage) Home Study

This pack is designed to allow you to self-study in your own time. These comprehensive student notes comprise 30 modules each with a revision summary and stage test questions which covers the full syllabus. This pack enables students to prepare for the exams leading to the Road Haulage Certificate of Professional Competence.

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E-Learning Self Study CPC for Transport Managers (Road Haulage)

RHA Training now offer you the ability to study, prepare and complete your Transport Manager exams via our E Learning service.

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Passenger Transport - Transport Manager CPC E Learning

RHA Training now offer you the ability to study, prepare and complete your Transport Manager exams via our E Learning service.

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TM Guide App (Road Transport)

TM Guide App will provide both Transport Managers and industry professionals, with the very latest compliance on the go. Replacing the requirement for material-based publications and setting a new benchmark for sustainability and convenience.