Dangerous Goods, Safety & Security
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E-Learning Courses

The RHA offers a range of E-Learning Courses including a Dangerous Goods by Road - Awareness Course

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Workplace Security

Security in the workplace is naturally one of those things that is taken for granted in life. The pressure of the job, multiple modes of transport, and extended distances all add to the threats posed to the business. RHA has identified two areas that cause operators of goods and passenger vehicles concerns and has developed courses to help overcome some of the challenges.

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Dangerous Goods By Road

Moving dangerous goods by road is governed by international law and is strictly policed. The following ADR courses have been designed to ensure that your road transport operation is fully compliant and in line with
requirements set by the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
Employers and drivers should note that all Dangerous Goods Training is classified as work under ADR. Drivers attending Dangerous Goods Training courses are subject to the duty limits laid out in the relevant Drivers Hours Regulations.

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Dangerous Goods By Air

As part of our continuing commitment to the transport sector, we have developed a range of courses designed to help businesses remain compliant with the requirements of shipping dangerous goods by air. This is another heavily regulated area that requires specialist training of operatives and management and is certified by the Civil Aviation Authority.

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Dangerous Goods By Sea

Anyone moving dangerous goods by sea will need some form of competency-based training to certify that they are compliant with the most current regulations. RHA has built these courses to ensure anyone attending can gain the best knowledge and put it into practice in the workplace. If you or your company consign, pack, or move dangerous goods that will be transported by sea there is a course for you.

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Workplace Safety

Everyone at work has a duty to protect those who could be affected by that work or the acts or omissions of employees undertaking activities. Keeping you and your employees is at the heart of our strategy to drive business on our roads, our workplace safety courses can be delivered onsite, online, or at our premises, you choose what suits you best.

RHA trainers have a wealth of experience in safety culture and management, most are NEBOSH qualified, and all play a vital role to ensure that our own safety standards are maintained. RHA Training holds Health and Safety accreditation to the ISO 45001 standard, who better to guide you through the requirements for your business.

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