In vehicle training is not as straightforward as most people think, in the first instance you spend most of the time in the passenger seat than you do driving and the ability to pick up on errors and separate them constructively is not easy.
Our in-vehicle instructor training courses have been designed to get you to a point where these elements and many more become second nature. Full of top tips and guidance the training is led by some of the countries experienced driving instructors and assessors.
RHA Light Commercial Vehicle Driver Assessor Qualification (LCV)
Course Length: 3 Days
Course Content: 3 Modules: LCV Advanced driving, Fuel Coach, On Road Assessment and reporting
Designed for those who wish to assess other drivers in the workplace in the safe driving of Light Commercial vehicles. This course will focus on three areas:
LCV fuel performance and coaching, being a workplace assessor, Road safety and assessment techniques.
Candidates for this course will be required to produce a workplace portfolio based around then assessments and will gain the L&D9D assessor qualification as part of the course.
In Vehicle RHA Driver Assessor Qualification (LGV & PCV)
Course Length: 2 Days
Course Content: 2 Modules: Background and underpinning knowledge, Vehicle control & the assessment process.
Do you want to assign your one of your staff to carry out an in-cab driving assessment of your HGV or PCV drivers? If so, this course will give the assigned candidate the necessary skills to assess the driving abilities of your team of drivers, new recruits and those returning to work after a period of absence to provide advice on corrective action.
Candidates on this course will learn the latest methods of driver assessment as well as how to carryout compliance and drivers' licences checks, conduct Highway Code and driver knowledge skills tests, and compile driver reports on the ability of the individual assessed.
In Vehicle Fuel Economy Trainer
Course Length: 2 Days
Course Content: 2 Modules: Where does the fuel go, practical instruction and technique.
Delegates attending this course will become proficient in developing supervising and encouraging drivers to reach the transport company's required performance levels and standards in fuel economy. The course works with the candidates existing skill and introduces the additional elements needed to be a successful champion for the business. A wide range of theory and practical components on how to improve fuel efficiency and to reduce accidental damage is covered as well as the financial impact poor economy has on your business.
Did you know, if your company spends £240,000 on fuel, a saving of just 5% would add £12,000 to the bottom line!
With a 3% profit margin, to make the same amount on the bottom turnover would need to increase by over £400,000