Meeting with government officials on NI trade arrangements

Meeting with government officials on NI trade arrangements

10 Jul 2024 Posted By Jon Lavery

Today we met with ​officials from HMRC, the Trader Support Service and DAERA in Belfast to seek further clarity and to continue to highlight ongoing concerns with regard to the new trading arrangements between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its critical that officials recognise and fully understand the continuing impact and changes that are due to come into effect at the end of September regarding the movement of parcels between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

We highlighted that insufficient clarity has been provided about the new arrangements at the end of September for businesses to prepare for these changes.

Businesses still seek clarity about some products entering NI from GB. We also continue to seek clarity for businesses moving parcels 'business to business' where the goods will remain within NI. It's critical that we work to keep the supply chain resilient and protect the free circulation of goods throughout the United Kingdom.

We look forward to continuing to engage with the new UK Government, the Northern Ireland Executive and the European Commission. We stand ready to work collaboratively with decision makers at all levels to address the outstanding issues of concern.