RHA hold DVS explainer event to help firms invest in kit for London

RHA hold DVS explainer event to help firms invest in kit for London

23 Jul 2024 Posted By Paul Mummery

Hauliers heard from key industry figures about new Direct Vision Standard safety criteria at the RHA’s Peterborough head office yesterday (Monday 22 July).

Firms with trucks of more than 12 tonnes operating in London must meet Transport for London’s (TfL) Progressive Safe System (PSS) which launches on 28 October.

The RHA organised the event which was attended by 140 so that firms could hear first-hand what they can do to ensure they meet the new requirement.

The standard’s author, Dr Steve Summerskill from Loughborough University, explained how safety kit should work as thousands of hauliers upgrade their fleets to operate in the capital.

He recently produced a DVS Explainer document which sets out what a Blind Spot Information System and Moving Off Information System should do.

A number of PSS kit manufacturers displayed how their products work at the event outside the RHA’s Worldwide House HQ.

Event host, Chris Ashley, RHA policy lead for environment and vehicles, said “We were pleased to see so many operators take the opportunity to come to our event which offered them more clarity on how they should meet the new requirement.

“I’d like to thank Steve Summerskill and the PSS equipment manufacturers who came to our event for helping hauliers make more informed choices.”

The event follows a London Councils’ recommendation that TfL extends a grace period to give firms buying equipment more time to get it installed.

Officials are set to announce that firms will have an extra three months – with enforcement of the new standard pushed back to 4 May 2025 after an RHA campaign.

Transport for London (TfL) says firms intending to apply for the grace period will need to provide evidence before the 28 October 2024 that they have installation works arranged to fit the PSS within the six-month grace period to qualify for it.
